Friday, October 15, 2004


Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
"A thought can be significant. Can be the difference between someone living and dying. Think about that. And whatever wonderful things or banal things you may choose to do with your life, remember that the one thing you can know for sure, is that the choice is yours to make. The significance or relevance of anything that you do may never be known to you. That is why wise men suggest we try to make our decisions wisely. some people care about the impact they have - others don't. But perhaps there is a place for us all. The fact that we are here is, i believe, justification of our right to be here. We have free will. what we do with this life, these hands, that is up to us. "
Thank you for that Jaq, and for everything else.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

In Freshness Burger

John in Freshness Burger
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
It rained again today; it's been a wet autumn, after the long hot summer; things balance themselves out, in the end.
A couple of articles on the BBC today made me stop and think about the future, and as the picture it presented was way too scary to contemplate, I started running again...

Monday, October 11, 2004


Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
Gray sky today, unusual after a typhoon, we usually get blue skies and warmer weather.
Yesterday's typhoon certainly was a big one, the biggest to hit the Tokyo area for the last 10 years, they say. So much water in such a short time, where is it all to go? And there lies your problem.
About 5 people died yesterday and several others had their lives turned upside down - people who lost their houses and their homes.
It could happen to any one of us, any day of the week. Perhaps not a typhoon, but after that September morning in New York who know what the skies might bring.
But the Marigolds will keep shining.