Friday, February 04, 2005

The Price of Fish

The Price of Fish
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
You know fish don't grow on trees. And they don't grow on the fishmonger's slab. They live in the deep cold ocean, and if you want to catch one you are going to have to get on a boat and sail way out on to that deep cold ocean and work like hell, and not sleep, and gut and cast the net, and haul it back in again, and sometimes those waves are so big, and the air is so cold that the salt water freezes on the cold iron of the ship. When you get back to port you have to pay off the loan on the boat.
And I think I have it bad sitting behind a desk telling office guys what an adjective is.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Don't Mess With The Fowlers

Don't Mess With The Fowlers
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
We know who you are and we know where you live.

I was thinking this evening, as I was walking to the station to catch the train home after a pretty long day at work, that my son is the most perfect thing not just in my life but in this world. He is perfect and pure and everything else is corrupted and damned. He is an angel come down from heaven.
I hadn't realised how corrputed, imperfect and 90% shit everything is until he came.
Pity The Garden is only a temporary home. The snake is out there, just waiting with his knowledge of corruption and, I guess, opportunity.
So this is how it feels to be a father.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Plum Blossom

Plum Blossom
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
Just as I'm getting into my winter stride spring loams on the horizon.
The days are getting longer and this morning I found this plum blossom in a small orcahrd not far from the apartment.
I like the plum more than the cherry. It's not not as showy for a start. Those small white flowers are the first sign that even though you are still freezing your bollocks off on those early morning walks to the station, warmer days are coming.
The Earth continues to move around the sun. The seasons change. All things must pass.
They say that this spring Tokyo is going to suffer a pollen tsunami, due to the unusally long and hot summer we had last year. The city is about to dissolve in a sea of snot and tears.