Monday, September 13, 2004

El Grande

El Grande
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
I saw some elephants a couple of days ago, in Tokyo, just fancy that, elephants in the heart of this most crowded and urbanized of cities. But there they were, 4 majestic, beautiful Ueno Zoo. Not quite the vast sweeping endless savanah of Africa, but then again where is?
There is something disturbing about zoos. I incresingly find it unacceptable and distasteful to see animals and birds caged up in laughably (if it wasn't so depressing) small spaces. It all seems rather Victorian, but then again a lot of Japanese cultural ideas are that out of date.
Can zoos be justified by saying that the little kids love to see the animals and so it's kind of educational?
Go to the zoo and see what you think.

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