Thursday, September 23, 2004

The People's Park

Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
A few days ago we went Shinjuku Gyoen Park. Today we went a bit more local, to Hikarigaoka Park. It's clearly not as nice as Shinjuku and now I can forgive them all those rules if that's what it takes to keep the park as beautiful as it is.
It appeared as if all the things you are not allowed to do in Shinjuku Gyoen are permitted in Hikarigoaka: alcohol, bikes, dogs, music, playing instruments, games of all kinds, with balls, bats, frizbees, the lot. There were people having barbeques. But I know which one I prefer. Even with its long list of rules and it's 2oo yen entrance charge, Shinjuku is better.
There isn't as much grass in Hikarigaoka park even though it's just as big as Shinjuku, and the grass it has is not the luxuriant lawn turf, it's just rough tufts of wild grass and weeds left uncut, and with the dogs and the rest you never know what might have been happening on it? I will never make fun of Shinjuku Gyoen again.
But isn't this how fascism starts? The Strong Man imposes rules and more rules, which cuts crime, makes the streets safe to walk down and the trains run on time, but there are shadowy men in peaked caps cycling around watching what everyone does, and what you can do is limited to sitting on the well manicured grass reading a book or quietly walking around the tidy paths.
In the slightly chaotic Hikarigoka Park, were the rules are pretty liberal, there are people running amok with dogs, kids, balls and French horns and having a wild old time, but there are also homeless people, groups of surly looking youths, groups of tatty middle-aged men drinking from beer cans. You pays your money and you takes your choice I guess. But with a baby I'll pay the 200 yen and go to Shinjuku.
(I saw the cute little three-wheeled pick-up on the way to the park.)

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