Sunday, January 30, 2005

Plum Blossom

Plum Blossom
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
Just as I'm getting into my winter stride spring loams on the horizon.
The days are getting longer and this morning I found this plum blossom in a small orcahrd not far from the apartment.
I like the plum more than the cherry. It's not not as showy for a start. Those small white flowers are the first sign that even though you are still freezing your bollocks off on those early morning walks to the station, warmer days are coming.
The Earth continues to move around the sun. The seasons change. All things must pass.
They say that this spring Tokyo is going to suffer a pollen tsunami, due to the unusally long and hot summer we had last year. The city is about to dissolve in a sea of snot and tears.

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