Friday, January 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
I wonder what's really going on in my company these days.
The boss got a bump on the head the other day... slipped on the stairs after one too many glasses of wine...

She must have thought, or be thinking, about the end game; the way out that leaves her with the money and the time to enjoy without the pressure and stress of running a small business that stopped growing some years ago. But she told me once that she still has a lot of debt, so perhaps that end game is somewhat out of her control.
After the bump on the head she didn't come into the office for quite a while... so what would happenn to the company if she was in hospital for 2 months?
Small companies can be nice to work for; the family feeling and all that , but what happens when the owner gets hit by a bus...
My eggs are nestling in this one basket, and have been for way too long...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SWINGS as a metaphore for life.... it seems an obvious thing to talk about.... why didn't I ever think of that? I have had serious doubts about work myself... how long can it survive on small contracts? The pay needs to be adjusted... heck most things need to be re-arranged...

when you keep all your eggs in one basket... and you trip.... all you can do is go without.... Too dangerous for me.... diversify, diversify, diversify!