Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Take It To The Fridge

Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
Went to see REM at the Budokan yesterday evening and very good they were as well. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting, I hadn't really thought about the concert until we entered the hall. But they were great. Stipe stalking around the stage, a mask painted across his eyes, his voice strong and clear. This morning I downloaded the new CD, Around The Sun. I guess I should buy it but these days actually paying for a CD seems such an alien idea to me.


Anonymous said...

'atta boy!.... no more big company conglomartes to go to... download, download, download!!! nothing like technology and the power to choose how to shop! I'm glad you downloaded the music... Going to see them LIVE though... wow! that must have been a blast! Glad to hear that you're "stretching" yourself again...hope you snuck in a couple of shots...


Anonymous said...

'atta boy!.... no more big company conglomartes to go to... download, download, download!!! nothing like technology and the power to choose how to shop! I'm glad you downloaded the music... Going to see them LIVE though... wow! that must have been a blast! Glad to hear that you're "stretching" yourself again...hope you snuck in a couple of shots...