Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Wednesday 19th February

Up at the crack of dawn again this morning, 6:15, and left the apartment at 6:50. Caught the 7:01 this morning but still got to Carrefour at just before 8:50 and found the door locked, although there seemed to be some people around. I waited about 2 minutes and then one of my students appeared and showed me that in fact the door was open – I should have pulled instead of pushed!
As usual, about halfway through the class, someone came in and asked us to move to another room, so that a bunch of French garlic sellers could have the room to talk a load of bollocks!
I was out of there at 10:00,caught the 10:06 at Tameikesano and just missed a train at Iidabashi – next time must run! Bought some bread in Tobu and got home at 10:55. The bread was very nice. Listened to Home Truths and then at 12:30 had a nap, until 3:15, then got up and did this.
David and Chris should have got their copies of Cargo Cult 7, which I posted to them on Monday. Also Mum and Jake should have got their Japan Trip Report by now. I wonder what they thought. Jake moved recently so he may not have got it, must tell Mum to tell him to check his mail. The international CC’s should arrive by next Monday at the latest.
So far, for Cargo Cult 8 I have done 2 drawing’s, not good enough. I should be trying to produce at least on average a page a day. That would give me a 60 page zine every 2 months, which is a good average. I expect that when the baby arrives there will no time for little drawing and writing. I’ve been reading one of the baby books I bought recently and the chapter on crying is rather sobering. I must talk to William.
Left again at 4:30 and got to Union Tool at 5:45. Today on 5th floor.

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