Saturday, May 21, 2005


E, originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.

The times they are a changing... finally.
New job and jobs; goodbye to the old, hello to the new... the more things change the more they stay the same? We shall see.
This morning, Saturday morning, I was up at the crack of dawn... it was so early that I was up before my son! That's how early it was. I was teaching a new student, a new class, for a new company, and of course nothing was quite how I was told it would be or how I expected it would - just that it was different material, no tape player... usual stuff, no problem, happens all the time, do something else, joke about it, it ain't the end of the world or the class.
Then off to Waseda for some serious listening and grammar with people who had paid their own money to be told the difference between the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuos... I have been using that grammar my whole life but recently I have decided I don't know enough... did you spot it?
So now I have just the one day off, until June hits and Select gently slides away to starboard and drifts towards the horizon. Not too far away though as I am still doing two classes for Them, but at least now I'm not on the same ship.

Recent Bees buzzing around my mind: voice recorders vs. mini MP3 players with voice recording... why? Because I want to be able to record every second of my entire waking day... don't ask why.
Reason 2.0 - the software that is finally gonna make John a big balloon in the Electronica and ambient music scene!

It's been a busy few weeks, and when I look back on them at the end of the year I will this as the turning point... where I'm heading now is a good question but I think we are afloat again and on a new heading... hoist the mainsail! Full steam ahead!

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