Saturday, July 02, 2005

July 2 2005 Live8 Tokyo

July 2 2005 Live8 Tokyo, originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.

Went to the Tokyo Live 8 concert today. When I read there was to be a Tokyo concert I thought I might as well try to get tickets, even though the line up was not one I would normally pay to see. I was lucky and got tickets.
I watched 4 out of the 7 bands... sorry Bjork, catch you next time, promise.
After the conccert we went to Costco, the massive wholesale supermarket. An uncomfortable contrast but I shopped anyway; what else can you do.
The bands were all pretty good, in their own way. I find I'm becoming more like John Peel in my opinion of musicians, if not the music, in that I don't like to make personal criticisms of people who obviously enjoy and have a passion for what they are doing. The world needs diversity in all things.
The thing that will stay in my mind though was not the music, but the videos they showed on the big screens in between the music. One of them showed two young African brothers, unable to hold back the tears of despair when talking about their mother who had recently died. They said their father was ill and subtitles on the screen told us that their father died shortly after... Having a son not much younger than them made it unbearably heartbreaking to watch them...
What can you do? A question I increasingly would like to find an answer to rather than just ask...

See the vidoes for yourself on the Live 8 website.

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