Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Stick, originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.

Thought is the real Butterfly Effect, don't you think? A thought can cause small ripples that fan out across your reality that turn into waves and change everything. And that's how it should be.
Without the waves we would be sitting in the middle of a flat calm ocean looking at ourselves in the mirror-like stillness of the deep.
Had the very early universe been uniformly flat then small clumps of matter could not have have formed, clumps which in turn clumped together... and the next thing you know you have several billion glaxies all containing several billion stars.
Thought leads to action and action leads to movement and growth and life. That's the theory anyway. Sometimes a big thought pops into your head, which can be quite scary, and the action it calls for is more than you can manage. But the thought won't go away so you had better just get on with it and see what happens. Everything usually turns out for best anayway, so don't worry about it.
Do you ever get the feel that the universe had just been waiting, patiently, for you to move into the right place, and that once you were there it was as if a key had been turned and things started to move like they hadn't moved previously. The mechanism had always been there, like in some ancient Egyptian pyramid or lost city Indy Jones lock.
Still a few turns to go though.

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