Saturday, February 12, 2005

Taj Mahal, 1987

Taj Mahal, 1987
Originally uploaded by Jaqaroo.
One comforting thought which occurs to me, looking through these photos of my London to Kathmandu overland trip back in the spring of 1987, is that I haven't really put on much weight since I was 26 and have almost the same amount of hair. There are some men of 44 who could not say the same.
I am going to get my Zimbabwe trip photos put on CD soon. That was a trip I made in 1986.
All this nostalgia and looking at old photos of a younger you is almost certainly not such a great thing to do... too much of. Life is about falling forward into the future with a strong and postive attitude that the best could yet be to come. Life gets richer and deeper and if it doesn't you only have yourself to blame.
There's no fool like an old fool, so they say.

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